The Ludlow-Orchard Community Organization!
Working to landmark the Lower East Side, and protect the communities that make it diverse and unique!
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Enough is enough. We certainly aren't anti-all-bars-everywhere, but the situation down here is completely out of control and now Residents are fighting back.

Check back here for our gallery of pictures capturing the completely oblivious, huge crowds of party-goers outside of dozens of local bars and clubs that now line our streets, acting up at 3 a.m. For some reason, these folks never once look up at our windows and realize that people actually live here..... even though we are sure we would get arrested for acting up the same way in their neighborhoods under their windows.

These bars have replaced all of the really cool small local businesses (botanicas, small restaurants, fabric stores...) that used to be a part of our world and make up Lower East Side culture. Most of us "new folks" coming to this neighborhood (18 years ago) remember having a ton of respect for this neighborhood and it's people when we came here. Now, thanks to the five bars under each of our windows, we wake up to vomit on our doorsteps and get to experience loud honking traffic jams at 4 a.m. when they start sending their drunk patrons home. Crime has gone UP.

We at L.O.C.O. know that change is inevitable, but this is not change for the better. This is change that is destroying our cultures and our community, and making it hard to live here. We are all banding together to alter the course of what is going on.

Stay tuned as we arrange boycotts, circulate petitions and demonstrate outside of the businesses that treat us in a less-than-neighborly fashion. We hope you will join us!

 We have joined forces with The Lower East Side Residents Coalition, and we support the work of The Committee for Zoning Inaction and the work they are doing on East 3rd street. L.O.C.O. seeks to be an umbrella organization for as many groups as possible on the Lower East Side, whose work and struggles are affected by issues of gentrification, in order to join all of those voices into one strong voice that cannot be ignored. We would welcome your group joining with us and participating!
Contact: .... all contents (c) The Ludlow Orchard Community Organization, established 2005.
Copyright 2005 - All Rights Reserved